

Year: 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015

TAME meeting, Hanoi, November 2016

9.11.2016  —  11.11.2016
Hanoi Medical University

The next project meeting was held on 9–11 November 2016 at Hanoi Medical University in Vietnam.

TAME meeting, London, June 2016

5.6.2016  —  7.6.2016

The second project meeting was held on 5–7 June 2016 at St George’s, University of London.

“We are our choices”: learning decision-making through scenarios

The Tower Hotel, London, UK

Meeting of representatives of four projects exploring the development of interactive SBL in medical curricula across Europe

The medical error no one's talking about

24.2.2016 | More information...

Medicine X ePatient Scholar Julie Flygare shared a powerful message onstage: Neglecting the importance of social support is a medical error.
