

Year: 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015

TAME on MEFANET 2017 conference: Implementation of training on virtual patients at Zaporozhye State Medical University

29.11.2017 | More information...

6 surgical Virtual Patients were created in ZSMU and 10 deadly medical errors were presented on MEFANET 2017. 


AMEE 2017 - TAME poster presentation

14.11.2017 | More information...

The activites of the TAME project were presented during AMEE 2017.

Presentation of the project at the interanal Education day

13.11.2017 | More information...

St George's University of London holds an annual Education day for its staff and students and invites presenations and poster presenations.

Zaporozhye State Medial University: Training

8.11.2017 | More information...

On the 1st of November, 2017 a new group of teachers participated in the D-PBL training in the frames of the TAME project.

Practical Skills Center of Karaganda State Medical University is recognised for its excellence!

25.9.2017 | More information...

International ASPIRE Board of distinguished leaders in medical education supported bt Association of medical education in Europe (АМЕЕ) recognised the excellence of Practical Skills Center of Karaganda State Medical University presenting it with the ASPIRE award for «Excellence in Simulation». The certificate and the trophy was officially presented at AMEE conference in Helsinki on August 28, 2017. Presently, KSMU is one of the first medical schools to receive this prestigious award. Only 38 medical schools across the globe has been awarded, including 5 in simulation. The success of the center has led to its model being transferred to other schools in the region and to the creation of a new innovation center to facilitate this transfer and to develop new models of simulation-based learning and assessment. It was the reviewers’ consensus opinion this is an example of an excellent simulation program against which others can aspire. More information on the award can be assessed at:

AMEE (International Association for medical education in Europe), Helsinki, Finland, 27th - 30th of August 2017

25.9.2017 | More information...

KSMU presented “Training against medical error” using virtual patient (VP) cases Erasmus+ CBHE project’s first results with two posters: “Adapting virtual patient cases to language and culture: how not to throw the baby out with the bathwater?”, explaining experience in case adaptation written for UK healthcare system to Kazakhstan healthcare requirements and culture; “Virtual patients in training against medical error: student experience of working with paediatric cases”, were interested in terms of students’s opinion and experience in using branched and linear VP cases. Conference attendees are interested in medical error, VP case subjects together with project implementation in Kazakhstan. Sholpan, Gulmira and Viktor willingly shared with project implementation activities.

TAME meeting, Karaganda, October 2017

3.10.2017  —  4.10.2017

The next project meeting was held on 3-4 October 2017 at Karaganda State Medical University in Kazakhstan.

Testing of new VP cases in KSMU


Tutors of Karaganda State Medical University developed new 6 clinical cases with medical errors for 5th year students of the specialty" General Medicine "within the framework of the Erasmus + TAME project. The new cases were tested on the19th and 21st of June, 2017 in Karaganda State Medical University with students - interns of the 6th course of the specialty "General Medicine". The students were actively involved in the work. The implementation of these cases in the educational process planned in November 2017 to the discipline "General Practice." The main aim of training using clinical cases with medical errors - the preparation of students in a safe mode, to prevent medical errors.

Testing of new VP cases in ZSMU

3.8.2017 | More information...

On June, 2 a testing of 6 new surgical cases (Virtual Patients) with medical errors was conducted. The working group and 24 fifth-year students of Medical Faculty were involved. The students were divided into 3 groups - each group consisted of 8 students and tested 2 cases. After the cases' testing the process of modification is being carried out.

Train writing new cases

12.6.2017 | More information...

HUMP has finished training course on writing d-PBL cases went on 11-12 January 2017. The training was attended by 8 tutors and 2 trainers. The training aim to identify 10 most common types of medical errors, understanding the basic principles of writing virtual patient cases and using Open Labyrinth software to write new cases. The project management has assigned to write 6 new d-PBL cases including 3 departments: Internal, External and Obstetrics.

Exhibition of European Projects 2017

12.6.2017 | More information...

May 30-31, 2017 in Astana was an exhibition of European projects. During this event Karaganda State Medical University presented e-PBLnet and TAME (Teaching against medical errors) projects. Participants of the projects presented colorful presentations with the results of the projects, photos from the main meetings, as well as booklets with brief information. The projects were awarded attention of many participants of the exhibition and appreciated by experts.

IV. Central Asian Medical Education Conference

12.6.2017 | More information...

We invite you to take part in the IV Central Asian International Scientific-Practical Conference on Medical Education "Internationalization of Medical Education", which will take place in Karaganda (Kazakhstan) on 2-3 October 2017. The aim of the Conference - the development of international cooperation, strategic partnership and transfer of experience in medical education.

Test pediatric case

11.6.2017 | More information...

HUMP has finished teaching 6 pediatrics cases with virtual patient using Open Labyrinth software on 26 April 2017. We device 12 groups with 4 groups studied branch cases, 4 groups studied linear cases and 4 groups were control groups who studied traditional curriculum. There were 8 students in each group. The student studying 4th years in medicine doctor were chosen. There were 10 tutors in total.

European Union Projects Fair in the framework of Europe Day 2017 celebration

23.5.2017 | More information...

The European Union Delegation is conducting the European Union Projects Fair in the framework of Europe Day 2017 on 31 May. Europe Day, held on 9 May every year, celebrates peace and unity in Europe. The European Union Delegation to Kazakhstan marks this event annually since 1999 through the set of actions promoting cultures of EU Member-States, European education and EU-Kazakhstan cooperation.

TAME meeting, Chernivtsi, May 2017

10.5.2017  —  13.5.2017

The next project meeting was held on 10-13 May 2017 at Bukovinian State Medical University in Ukraine.

MEFANET 2017 conference

3.5.2017 | More information...

11th international conference of Czech and Slovak faculties of medicine, which is focusing on e-learning and medical informatics in the education of medical disciplines, will be held in November 2017 in the Czech Republic. More information are available at

TAME project at IMEC-2017

2.5.2017 | More information...

7-9 April 2017 the international conference on medical education "Health Professions Education without Borders" (IMEC - 2017) was held in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). Head of the Department of Children's Diseases №2 of KSMU, Professor BT Tukbekova took part in the poster-presentation session "Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)" with a report on the topic "Adaptation of pediatric cases in the international project" Teaching against medical errors (TAME) ". The presented information contained the results of training on the basis of virtual patients cases using special computer program OpenLabyrinth. Professor presented main goals and tasks of international project. The poster gained the interest of participants, there were highlighted the importance and usefulness of project results.

Workshop in Karaganda State Medical University

27.4.2017 | More information...

The second semester of the 4th year students of the specialty "General Medicine" of KSMU began from 27.03.2017. The work is carried out according to the established plan. After each case students are offered a feedback form. Tutors receive positive feedback from students.

Workshop " Development of Clinical and Practical Skills of students" in Karaganda State Medical University

21.4.2017 | More information...

Karaganda State Medical University arranged Workshop "Development of Clinical and Practical Skills of students" on 21st of February, 2017. The aim was to discuss the issues to form practical and clinical skills of students. The Workshop's program includes plenary sessions and work in sections. Medical teachers of paediatric department presented TAME project results in section "Technologies used for training in developing clinical and practical skills of students."Professor Tukbekova Bibigul, Head of Paeditic Diseases Department presented "Implementation of medical error VP pediatric cases using D-PBL methodology for development of key competences of students." Also Bota Kysabekova, paediatrician presented a report "Development of clinical skills of through the new teaching approaches of 4-year medical students" in the framework of TAME, Erasmus+, CBHE project.

Tutorials in Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy

24.2.2017 | More information...

The HUMP team finished the training of trainer course on 17 - 18 October 2016. There were 2 tutors and 8 trainers of 4 clinical departments: Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Pediatrics. The training is guiding trainers to use D-PBL teaching methods based on virtual patients. Trainers are guided to use Open Labyrinth software in specific clinical case in preclinical teaching for medical students. At the end of the training, participants had feedback about the obstacles and suggest solutions to overcome them when applying D-PBL in preclinical teaching. Here is the link of the news for the course on our website.

Tutorials in Astana Medical University


The AMU team finished the teaching and learning paediatric medical error cases using Virtual patients to 29th of December, 2016. There were 4 groups of 32 students studied branched cases. 4 groups of 32 students studied linear cases. 4 groups of 32 students were control groups who studied by traditional curriculum.

Case Writer Training

1.2.2017 | More information...

Training course on writing d-PBL cases within TAME project went 5-6 in January 2016. The training was conducted by Kristina Dobler and attended by tutors of KSMU team. The purpose of the training: To discuss with the tutors classification of medical errors. To teach the tutors writing the perfect error Virtual Patient, according rules. At the end of the training each of tutors must to write the clinical scenario of the case in Open Labyrinth.

Tutorials in Zaporozhye State Medial University

1.2.2017 | More information...

ZSMU has finished teaching 6 paediatric cases with Virtual Patients and medical errors. 4 groups with 32 students in each studied linear cases, 4 groups studied branch cases, and 4 more groups were taught traditionally. There were 10 tutors in total. See an article in ZSMU site:

Tutorials in Hanoi Medical University

1.2.2017 | More information...

The teaching and learning paediatric medical error cases using virtual patients was finished by HMU team on 30th December,2016. There were 4 groups of 28 students studied branched cases. 4 groups of 28 students studied linear cases. and others group studied by traditional curriculum. There were 12 tutors of Pediatric Departments.

Tutorials in Karaganda State Medical University

1.2.2017 | More information...

The KSMU team finished the teaching and learning paediatric medical error cases using Virtual patients to 30th of December, 2016. There were 4 groups of 32 students studied branched cases. 4 groups of 32 students studied linear cases. 4 groups of 32 students were control groups who studied by traditional curriculum.Tutor team consists of 6 tutors of Pediatric Departments, 8 tutors from GP Departments.

MEDCIN project: Introductory video

12.1.2017 | More information...

The MEDCIN project ( aims to standardize medical and healthcare curricula using MedBiquitous standards. Introductory video presents basic project information as well as the MEDCIN platform.

Looking back on the MEFANET 2016 conference (video)

1.1.2017 | More information...

The 10th year of the traditional MEFANET conference was held on 29–30 November 2016 in Hotel Continental, Brno (Czech Republic). Main topics were focused on information and communication technologies and their application in the medical and healthcare education.
